Creating an engaging website and content strategy for wealth management


Investec Wealth & Investment is a leading wealth management business with over £44bn of AUM and a heritage spanning 180 years.

Their existing product-led site was seen as no longer fit for purpose in a market that has seen significant transformation, driven by robo-advisers, the democratisation of wealth management and an increasing demand for wealth planning services built around user goals. As a result, the site was attracting little traffic, with high bounce rates and minimal in-bound leads.


A totally new Wealth and Investment website created within the global AEM infrastructure.

Navigation and content refocused on customer insights and resultant Investec service provision; all focused on lead generation via highly relevant CTAs at critical junctures in the customer journey.

Re-engineered ‘About Us’ environment, focusing on customer service delivery and the personalisation of each customer’s journey; case study driven and real language utilised.

‘Life Stage Planning’ proposition, allowing audiences to self identify, travel along differentiated journeys based on their life stage position and end at a suitable call to action to generate direct leads.

Delivered SEO driven ‘Insights’ content and a sophisticated social strategy designed to engender trust and gain cut through

New website featured ‘Insights’ as a key part of the customer journey and navigational path. Content driven by Search Marketing insights and matched to Investec Wealth Manager’s expertise and product offering

Created a sophisticated, brand-building social strategy designed to engender trust and gain cut-through with a sceptical audience in a saturated marketplace.

We created unprecedented levels of engagement and channel/content interaction.



revenues first month


revenue from just one lead


outperformed old website on every single metric


Making Wolseley the customer’s B2B brand of choice whilst driving sales across multiple divisions via Social and CRM.

A fresh new brand to change perceptions of lamb in Europe.

Supporting Aegon in architecting an audience-centric vision and a more digitally focused business.

Let's work together to build powerful brands